Do Boxers Like Floyd Mayweather Really Need Bodyguards? (2 Viewers)


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Today 10:19 AM

I've been thinking about this alot. Although it’s seems incongruous at first glance that a person who is well known for being one of the best fighters in the world would need protection.

However, if you think about it for a minute, bodyguards help solve all types of problems.

The thing is, when you are famous worldwide for being the ‘big shot’, there will always be someone who wants a piece of you.

Recently, Mike Tyson was in the news after he punched a guy who was harassing him on a plane. A passenger apparently recognized him and started trying to talk to him, before becoming aggressive and reportedly hitting Tyson with a water bottle, leading to Tyson punching him.

Now let me ask you a question - do you think this guy is disappointed in the outcome? Heck no! He got beat up by Mike Tyson! That’s a great story to tell down the pub for the rest of his life. He is going to be dining out on this for the next 20 years. I would bet $100 right now that this guy carries this newspaper clipping around in his wallet so he can show people. There’s literally almost no downside to a member of the public picking a fight with Mike Tyson, if they win then they get to say they beat up Mike Tyson, and if they lose they get a great story.

This is where bodyguards come in. Getting beat up by Mike Tyson is a great anecdote, getting the shit kicked out of you by Mike Tyson’s bodyguards is a cautionary tale.

There’s also the legal side - Tyson had to deal with the fallout from this and could have ended up being prosecuted, if you have bodyguards for this then they can take the legal heat off of you. In addition bodyguards provide general crowd control, stopping fans from coming right up to you in the first place if you don’t want them to. If you are an active fighter, you also don’t want to be constantly putting yourself in a situation where you might have to fight a bareknuckle boxing match with some drunk rando on the street - even if you win every time, you might break a wrist and lose millions.

Bodyguards don’t only protect in a physical sense, for fighters the protection from legal and financial damage is just as important.
@bryangrey , do you think big boxers like Tyson FURY and AJ would need bodyguards too?
Yes Peter, they need bodyguards too.

Aside from the reasons Bobby mentioned in the post, boxers, especially heavyweights like AJ and Fury, need bodyguards, not because they can't protect themselves from street guys that want a piece of them...

... but because they're true heavyweights, large men who can induce unconsciousness in any man with a single punch

Regulatory bodies that give out boxing licenses recognize their fists as lethal weapons, and as such they're banned from fighting with regular, untrained men

In addition to their natural strength that singles them out for combat sports, these boxers go through extreme, hardcore training to gain unimaginable knockout power and endurance that the average man cannot fathom

They work their bodies to death

The price they pay for gaining this level of power is that their bodies start breaking down faster than regular men. All of them have brain damage from head punches, only that some are more pronounced than others

So yes, they need bodyguards to restrain them from laying their hands on fellows who intentionally provoke them on the streets

Else, they could get stripped of their boxing licenses and face a court charge for attempted murder

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