I'm Mentally Strong 'Anthony Davis' (1 Viewer)

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Today 1:11 PM
Los Angeles Lakers superstar, Anthony Davis has voiced his opinion on how strong his mentality is👇
"I'm very strong mentally. It's hard to let anyone or something get into my head. If that happens, it's something serious. But I try not to allow anything to get into my head that I don't want to. I have a great support system around me. They won't allow me to stay in a negative space for too long. When that negative stuff starts to circulate, I go into my own little world and remind myself of who I am and what I can do and why people are criticizing me. You're criticized for a reason. It's because of who you are or who they know you can be. Every single time before a game, I remind myself of who I am and I go compete."

"I don't know what was said, and I don't care. I got 15 motherf--kers in this locker room and a coaching staff that I listen to. Outside of them, it's my strong support system. They're the only voices I let in."

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