How Luis Suarez's move to Juventus from Barcelona in 2021 failed (1 Viewer)


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Today 12:47 PM
In 2021, Suarez's move from Barcelona to Juventus fell through because leaks showed he cheated on his Italian language exam. So, Juventus decided to bring back Morata from Atletico on loan, while Suarez ended up going to Atletico and helped them win the league.

Here’s what happened: At that time, Juventus needed Suarez to get Italian citizenship because of the limit on foreign players from Latin America. To do that, he had to pass a language exam with at least a B1 level.

Juventus managed to get the exam questions from the University of Perugia that was going to test Suarez and basically told him, “You answer this way, skip that, act like you don’t know this question, and you'll get the exact score we need.” He passed, but then the leaks came out.

As a result, several members of the University of Perugia got suspended, and four officials from Juventus were punished, including Fabio Paratici.

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