Does Manchester United and Liverpool have same administrative issues? (1 Viewer)


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Today 1:35 PM
I strongly believe Manchester United and Liverpool are in the wrong hands. For some reasons am beginning to see a huge similarity between the Glazers and FSG.

📌Both won't invest in the team.
📌Won't spend, unless there's income.
📌Won't let go of the club to someone who's serious.
📌Typical business men, always making profit and spending with high caution.
📌Love cheap things.
📌Recruiting only the personality of people who suit their profile: Low money, high results.

This is why the Glazers are refusing to sell United to Qatar investors who have tabled close to £7 billion in buying the club, offered to clear all debts and invest in the team heavily.

Instead they're comfortable in selling a stake to Sir Jim, so they would retain a major stake at United. Pharaoh let my people go isn't for them.

Just take a look at whom the want to sell part of the club to, someone who needs a comb and brush 🤦😭😭😂😂

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