New FIFPro Guidelines Support Footballers Returning to Play After Motherhood (1 Viewer)


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FIFPro has introduced new guidelines to help footballers who are new mothers return to full training and elite performance. These guidelines, developed with input from medical and legal experts, provide essential advice on how players, their support teams, and clubs can navigate the transition back to the pitch.

The guidelines focus on three main areas: player support, training recovery, and regulatory processes. They offer clubs detailed instructions on managing the return of new mothers, covering aspects such as breastfeeding, sleep hygiene, nutrition, mental health, pelvic health, and exercise programs.

The development of these guidelines involved consultations with female footballers and mothers, including former Jamaica international Cheyna Matthews, USA World Cup winner Crystal Dunn, German goalkeeper Almuth Schult, and Iceland midfielder Sara Björk Gunnarsdóttir. Gunnarsdóttir notably won a claim against her former club, Lyon, for failing to pay her full salary during her pregnancy.

A FIFPro survey revealed that 75% of players felt their clubs did not previously provide pregnancy-specific support. Alexandra Gomez-Bruinewoud, FIFPro’s senior legal counsel, emphasized the importance of advocating for automatic contract extensions for pregnant players, as seen recently with AC Milan's policy change. Currently, the average contract length for female professional footballers worldwide is just one year.

Cheyna Matthews, a mother of three, praised the new guidelines, saying, "For there to be guidelines that show it’s possible [to be a mum and a footballer] is important to see. It will help people understand they don’t have to be separate." She added that these guidelines "ease the stress and uncertainty" and provide a much-needed baseline for players worldwide.

The guidelines also address a crucial concern among players: when and how to resume training during and after pregnancy. Matthews highlighted the importance of having clear information, noting that the biggest question for many players was, "How long did it take to start training again?" These new guidelines aim to provide answers and support to female footballers as they balance motherhood and their professional careers.

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